Listen, Understand, and Respond to your Customers

Across social media and community platforms.
Sift AI listens to all of the conversations your users are having on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Discord, Telegram, and more to help you evaluate customer activity and act on their needs.

Your Community Copilot

Sift AI is an AI-powered community experience platform that helps you understand and manage conversations across your channels

You’re On All the Channels Your Users Like

You want your customers to be able to communicate where they want so they can be engaged, but it’s a pain to manage and make sure you’ve responded to everything that needs attention.

You Feel Like You’ve Been Flying Blind

You’re trying to make sure your users are happy and getting what they need. But, you have no idea to track even the basics like how many things have responses, how quickly, and what might have been forgotten.

You Want to Scale Your Hard Work

You’ve been helping users on Discord, Slack, Github, and other places on the web. But, all of this information is in silos, scattered and some of it isn’t even discoverable from Google. Change that today.
Is sift right for me?

You care about what your customers are saying.

Would it be valuable for you to see all of the relevant conversations your users are having across social media and community platforms — in one place? Could this data transform your operational priorities, messaging, product development, or other essential areas?

You need a streamlined way to evaluate their conversations.

Do you currently lack a reliable, dedicated, efficient, and highly sophisticated means of collecting this conversational data, sifting out irrelevant content, classifying what’s important, and deciding what to act on?

You’re looking to scale your team's work with less.

If you knew an integrated solution could automate social listening, sentiment analysis, and customer support, would you consider it? Are you ready to optimize these workflows and maximize your team’s productivity? If any of this is true for you, consider Sift AI.
What We Do

Goodbye, Chaos. Hello, Clarity.

Cut through the noise with Sift AI, which distills vast streams of data into actionable insights, making sense of user interactions from any platform. Embrace simplicity and precision, as our tool organizes and prioritizes these communications, ensuring you learn and act only on what truly matters. All powered by our cutting-edge artificial intelligence model.


First, you determine what types of content you want to track across platforms. This can be as broad as, “all things NASA”, or as specific as, “customer complaints about the equalization settings in our new earphone product”. Using our proprietary artificial intelligence model, Sift AI will focus on pulling whatever content you decide is most relevant and important for your business.
The power is in your hands.


From there, Sift AI will classify this content into your own custom categories, and provide you with a dashboard full of robust metrics on sentiment, activity, growth, company-specific trending topics, individual user drill-down data, and much more. You can even chat with a personal AI co-pilot to debrief on these findings, understand them better, and make them actionable.


Now that you’re empowered with invaluable data from your users, you’re also enabled to respond to content that needs your attention. Do you need to answer an important question from a customer? Should it be turned into a support ticket? Did we help you uncover an issue that needs to be addressed publicly? Depending on how your instance is designed, you can respond to inquiries natively in Sift, locally via Slack or Discord, directly on-platform, or otherwise. Better yet, you can even send inquiries to the most relevant department — whether that’s IT, PR, product, safety, accounts payable, admin, or anything else — automagically.
Ready to be more efficient than ever?

Explore Sift For Your Team

Bring your customer facing operations to the next level with Sift AI – your copilot to detect where you need to take action and help you act.
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Ready to be more efficient than ever?

Explore Sift for Your Community

Bring your community to the next level with Sift AI – helping you understand and manage everything across channels.
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✨ The Sift Sparkle ✨

Most tools that provide social listening and sentiment analysis have three major issues: One, they are entirely keyword driven, resulting in irrelevant content such as spam filling your dashboard, requiring inefficient manual effort to evaluate. Two, the data you receive is usually too superficial to be useful, or worse, just inaccurate. And three, these tools tend to have major limitations on what they collect, and where.
Sift AI is different.

Integrate with Existing Workflows

Sift includes bidirectional integrations with all of the key community channels where your team works. See an important trending question on Discord? Respond easily from Slack.

Track and Take Action

Sift tracks all of your questions and action items from your community in one place so your team can answer or respond to them centrally.

Rich Conversation Histories

Sift stores rich chat and support ticket history to build user profiles so you can see everything a user has said or done in your community.

Classifications, Declassified

Understand how your users are feeling and the types of conversations across your communities with custom tags and topics, making your community even more relevant to your business.

... and more!

Ready to understand your customers in ways you never thought possible?

Book a demo with our team